How to run webpack cli command
How to run webpack cli command

webpack-cli info - Returns information related to the local environment.webpack-cli init - Create a new webpack configuration.Thus, webpack CLI provides different commands for many common tasks. Supporting developers is an important task for webpack CLI. Here's a summary of commands provided by the CLI. Every command has a dedicated subfolder in the packages Folder. We organize webpack CLI as a multi-package repository using lerna. Otherwise npm install -save-dev webpack-cli or yarn add webpack-cli -dev will install it. When you have followed the Getting Started guide of webpack then webpack CLI is already installed!

how to run webpack cli command

webpack CLI addresses these needs by providing a set of tools to improve the setup of custom webpack configuration.

how to run webpack cli command how to run webpack cli command

As of webpack v4, webpack is not expecting a configuration file, but often developers want to create a more custom webpack configuration based on their use-cases and needs. Webpack CLI provides a flexible set of commands for developers to increase speed when setting up a custom webpack project.

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  • How to run webpack cli command